This infographic is a visual representation of the hierarchical structure of power under an authoritarian regime, showing the relationships between the ruling elite, institutions, and "the people." The main takeaway is around how power is concentrated at the top and how it is enforced through various layers of control.
At the top, a small elite group holds all decision-making power. As you move down the pyramid, power diffuses outward but remains tightly controlled. At the bottom, "the people" are the most vulnerable and have the least agency individually, though tremendous power collectively. The goal of those at the top is to keep the people scared, forcing us into privilege silos that create the illusion of safety, but actually make us more vulnerable by keeping us divided.
Top Layer: The Supreme Leader & Ruling Elite
A small group of oligarchs sit at the peak of the pyramid.
Roles: Dictator, oligarchs, military junta, ruling party.
Power: Holds absolute decision-making power.
Methods of Control: Directs state violence, suppresses dissent, centralizes wealth, and manipulates national identity.
Second Layer: Enforcers of the Regime
This layer includes authoritarian bureaucrats, military officers, intelligence agencies, and paramilitary forces.
Roles: Government ministers, generals, secret police, corporate elites benefiting from the system.
Power: Executes and enforces the leader’s will.
Methods of Control: Maintains surveillance, suppresses dissent, controls resources, enforces policies that benefit the ruling elite.
Third Layer: State-Controlled Institutions
This includes state-controlled media outlets, religious leaders, corporations, judiciary, puppet legislatures.
Roles: State-aligned media, corporations, and officials.
Power: Legitimizes the regime, enforces laws that criminalize opposition, manipulates education and information.
Methods of Control: Disinformation, corporate favoritism, censorship, lawfare (weaponized courts).
Fourth Layer: Police, Military, and Informant Networks
This includes police forces, riot squads, cyber-surveillance agents, and informants.
Roles: Domestic security forces, secret police, neighborhood informant networks.
Power: Directly oppresses people through fear and violence.
Methods of Control: Arbitrary arrests, brutal crackdowns, curfews, neighborhood surveillance, controlling public spaces.
Bottom Layer: The People who are controlled through:
Forced labor, low wages, economic instability.
Limited access to information.
Criminalization of protest and opposition.
Fear of surveillance and retaliation.
Authoritarian rule is a system of control where elite power flows downward, and total control is considered ideal to secure single-party, strongman rule. However, the people are at the bottom of the power pyramid are, as representation, both the most vulnerable and suppressed, and the foundation of society. Because of this, resistance and defiance can challenge even the most oppressive regimes. The question is—how do the people organize to push back? Stay tuned to this channel.